
Birthday Bucket List #24 – A New Group Fitness Instructor Schedule

Hello there my friends! Did you miss me Wednesday? 🙂 I called myself doing a little strategic advertising for my 2nd Mini Blog Challenge Party. I know some of my blog friends only make it over here once a week, so I wanted be sure you all saw the post when you came here and when I checked in on you this week.

You're Invited To A Blog Party Again

If you haven’t RSVP’d, feel free to link up your bloglovin here & go ahead and place me in your calendar for whatever days you are going to join us! Thanks boos 🙂 


Now for Act-Fit Friday! Do you remember my birthday bucket list?  #24 was to add an additional class to my group fitness instructor schedule on Mondays.

Shortly after I published that post, my group fitness manager informed me that I would have the Monday morning BODYPUMP time slot at our new location once it opened in August/first of September! SWOON, that was quick!!!

Then last Saturday, while I was on the always eventful end of my work week, I awakened to a text from my GFM to something of this tune…

*Hey Joi, I broke my foot teaching BODYATTACK this morning & I wanted to see if you could help cover my schedule starting THIS Monday*

My Group Fitness Manger is an endurance superhero!!! She teaches

BODYSTEP at 8:30 am  & BODYPUMP at 9:30 am on Monday

BODYCOMBAT at 6:00 PM on Monday

You seriously don’t want me to list her Tuesday schedule, nor the rest of the week!

Anywho, I get off on Mondays finishing up my 7 nights but of course being a team player I was right there ready to jump in and help!

So my new 9:30 BODYPUMP class at the new location is on hold until my manager’s foot heals.

I taught, BODYCOMBAT Monday morning, followed by BODYPUMP, went home ate, took a power nap, went back to the other location and taught BODYCOMBAT again!

Tuesday, I taught my regular BODYCOMBAT and Wednesday BODYCOMBAT & BODYPUMP!

You get the picture! Tough week! I seriously felt like I had been hit by a truck.  She kept advising me to pull back and take options as not to wear myself out. However, something happens to me when teaching BODYCOMBAT…remember the mean streak, I really feel empowered and borderline crazy mean 🙂 I don’t know how to pull back!

Under her wise guidance, we decided to change the Monday morning Cardio class to Tabata so I can just coach them and not have to physically workout!

The moral of this post is…..Be careful what you bucket list people 🙂 


While we are updating on the bucket list…

I completed a portion of #21!!!

My BFF hooked me up with a bun so my hair wouldn’t be all in the way while we spent the day at Whitewater theme park!

Bucket List #21

Remember my post, Amber day…well I spent the day with Amber and of course being the perfect little sister, she drove us to Whitewater 🙂

Amber Day

We saw Lil Scrappy! He thought he was in the clear! He was being slick just like us, going on the last week that it was open during the week but after the kids had gone back to school.

Of course since we were at the water park, we left our phones in the car so we didn’t get to take the Piz ni ee..ya feel me (Scrappy transalation = picture)!  We still saw the pearly whites tho…AYE!!!

It was a good trip, no lines! We got on every slide in less than 2 & 1/2 hours. I felt like I was 7 all over again 🙂

Rx Fitness Lady wants to know…

  • When is the last time you had to be a team player on your job? Were you happy to do it?
  • Do you know how and when you need to pull back from any situation; working out, relationships, job loads, etc?
  • Have you been to a theme park lately? Please share!
  • Are you going to miss Scrappy & the ratchetness of Love & Hip Hop Atl? Andrea, I’m not talking to you 🙂
  • Have you had a win on your bucket list lately? 

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Rx Fitness Lady

Greetings, I'm Joi, a Pharmacist with a passion for fitness & a community leader. I am the Creator & Senior Fitness Trainer of "In The Paint" Online Group Training Program. I teach BODYCOMBAT, BODYPUMP, Tabata Boot Camp, & serve as a mentor to young girls. My goal is to inspire people to live healthy, active, & prosperous lifestyles through practical blog posts deliveries. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram. ARE YOU WASTING TIME DIETING... Check out my book "Diets Are Dead Win Small With M.E.D.S., DO YOU WANT TO WORKOUT FROM HOME WITH LIVE ACCOUNTABILITY? Join #InThePaint #OneCommunity! You can view more posts, subscribe to stay tuned to latest updates & Shop all things Rx Fitness Lady at The Shoppes at Rx Fitness Lady.

45 thoughts on “Birthday Bucket List #24 – A New Group Fitness Instructor Schedule

  1. I don’t even know who Lil Scrappy is. See I told you I was way older than you.

    And yeah dang be careful what you bucket list. Wooooweee.

    Okay today I am feeling a little more optimistic, so step two, I am at least printing your blog challenge and placing it somewhere I can see it 😉
    Kenya G. Johnson recently posted…I’ll worry about that tomorrow…My Profile

    1. Great Kenya! I know you can tackle these prompts and especially the humor…come on now…you MUST do that one 🙂

  2. My hair and that whitewater don’t mix. I have been in Atlanta for over 10 yrs and have never been there maybe next year……(probably not)

    I don’t mind being a team player if everyone on the team pulls their weight but 9 times out of 10 somebody doesn’t then it becomes a problem.

    1. Girl you know a requirement for going to the waterpark was going right before the day of the hair appointment 🙂

  3. First of all CONGRATULATIONS on getting another class under your belt. I hope once you are done subbing for your manager that you greatly enjoy your new class.
    You know, even though I’ve never seen you by way of video I can still imagine that you are an aggressive teacher during your Bodypump class. In a good way of course.ha
    I think going to a water park with my friends would be fun ESPECIALLY on a day that there weren’t that many kiddos running around. Don’t get me wrong I love children but at a water park I also like not have to float in line behind kids who are splashing.

    1. THANK YOU Veronica! Now you know I’m going to have to post a BODYPUMP video soon. THank you for the prompt wether intentional or not 🙂

  4. Hey! My last visit to a theme park was the last week of June with my daughter and her school. We went to Sesame Place. They have a tone of water activities.

    So funny that you ran into Scrappy. In a small whisper…Scrappy crowns/veneers/or bridgework-possibly full upper denture is not the biz nah eee. Too big, too square, and it bothers me that I can see the tartar on his lower teeth on television. I am so mad at the dentist that put those in his mouth and the lab that created it.
    Veronica @My Finessed Life recently posted…Fashion Friday: Getting my Chic Beach OnMy Profile

  5. You GO!!! That is a tough schedule but you can handle it. You’re going to feel amazing…and really hungry and tired…but amazing!! YES me and the family went to a theme park last weekend. They had an indoor and outdoor water park and all the kids had a BLAST…and some of the adults too:-)
    Allie recently posted…WRONG WAY 5KMy Profile

    1. We were no kids zone this time and I must say, I ENJOYED, lol! I was pooped this week, we shall see next week when we add my real job back in the mix!!!

  6. I find it very hard to pull back too. On everything. I haven’t been to a theme park in forever but up north, our fair season starts LATE. It starts this weekend, in fact, and then we have a bunch in a row getting into fall festivals. Pumpkins and the like. As for bucket lists, I am checking off items from my summer bucket list today and tomorrow! We’re going to a Sunflower Maze this afternoon and a fair tomorrow!
    As for how to pull back, that part is shaky but I know when. It’s when I get rundown or even borderline sick. Generally I don’t get even a cold unless something else is up – stress or sleep deprivation.
    Tamara recently posted…So Big! (A Summer Memoir)My Profile

    1. Your summer has been amazing. I loved your post from today Tamara! It’s so rewarding to check things of the list. Keep it up!

  7. I’ve been called to be a team player just this week. One of the only two in-house editors was transferred out of our area, so … 🙁 I feel like I’m living “Grounhog Day”, reliving the same old scenario of losing staff and having more duties piled on.

    Pulling back is hard for me. In all things. I’m either all in or meh. Not much middle ground.

    You will not catch me near a theme park. Nope. 🙂

    Like Kenya, I had to look up Lil Scrappy. Um, okay…

    You know I’m a reverse bucket-lister, so… 😉
    Alison recently posted…Take Me to your foolishness!My Profile

    1. WHELP, we are twins this week in regards to workload! Glad to have you with me virtually 🙂 Yes, I have been working on an unbucket list post too inspired by you 🙂

  8. Yes we saw Scrappy AND his teeth! Sorry friend, but that was the highlight of my day!
    I did enjoy my day with you girls!
    **Thanks for the cameo, from your EVERYTHING bff***

  9. I wondered where you were on Wednesday. I knew it had to be some strategic move. Lol. #24 was quick. Maybe the timing was a little off, but it doesn’t happen until you put it out there.
    I’ve managed to cross off a couple of things including swimming. I’m still a shaky swimmer, but it took setting a goal to even take the first step.
    You all are too cute going to White water. Did your bun hold up?
    I think I was a team player when I worked while not feeling well. I filled in for one of our front desk staff, answering the phone, collecting $ and scheduling appointments ( and still did my usual job).
    I think my modified blog schedule was an example of me pulling back. Sometimes I find it very difficult to do though until I absolutely have to (like my body an the verge of shutting down).
    I mentioned before that we went to Disney (post forthcoming 🙂 )
    I’m with Kenya, I have no idea who Lil Scrappy is…kinda wish you were able to take a picture, maybe I’d recognize the face.
    Hope recently posted…Back to School with the Y (and Impromptu dance)My Profile

    1. I am going to do my best to get a picture up of this man! Too many of your haven’t a clue. My bun did well surprisingly. I still looked a hot mess when we went to dine at Copelands restaurant after :). I’m proud of you for taking the step to learn to swim. I felt like a forgot how a couple of times at whitewater falling into the water from the slides, lol. The water kept going all up our noses! It was fun, but I was ready to go!

  10. I love waterparks! Six Flags is 20 minutes from our house so normally we go a lot but this year it wasn’t in the cards.

    I’m glad you found a solution for the classes. That was alot of pumpin/combat going on! I’m all for helping out, especially in an emergency. I have a coworker out at work as she fell down the stairs at home and broke her pelvis and back. I immediately stepped up to take on any of her responsibilities that I could. It is all about team effort.
    Carla recently posted…Zumba Changed My PerspectiveMy Profile

    1. OUCH that is a tough fall. I’m glad you were able to help her out. It’s great working with good people. You have helped me here before when I didn’t even think to plan for it and I really appreciated that!

  11. Sometimes when you put things out there on a bucket list, the universe helps you out pretty quick! What a great and exhausting week! I feel like I have accomplished a few things on my bucket list this year including attending a tennis clinic, taking a photography course, getting back to running, and having an amazing vacation with my family (well I’m in the midst of doing that:) They are all asleep while I sneak in some time for blogging:))
    Leah Davidson recently posted…Tips for Travelling with Children, Tweens and Teens: How to Survive a Road TripMy Profile

  12. I recently took on a new position at work and I am trying to get my mind around learning how to realize that sometimes the work won’t get done and I need to just let it go…lol…I am soooo going to miss my Monday ratchett show BUT Basketball Wives is back on so I’m good…lol…

    1. Congrats on the new position Quin! All the best going forward adjusting…shrugs to it all not getting done 😉 Bball wives was a snooze now wasn’t it!

  13. Six flags looks like so much fun, I need to add that to my bucket list for when I come state side!
    As for your body combat classes, WOW. That is a lot of body combat! However, I can imagine it’s addictive to teach and I’d love seeing the results you get from making others work up such a sweat – enough to be exhausting 😉
    Kate recently posted…This Week’s Good Sh*t / Bad Sh*t # 2My Profile

  14. I was wondering why you had taught so many classes early in the week – now it makes sense!! Take care of yourself and don’t overdo it!!!

    No theme parks for me – not really my thing – I’m more a lay on the beach girl (or run a ton of miles!!).

    And, I must be even more lame than I thought because I have no idea who Scrappy is!!!
    Kim recently posted…Home Where I Belong!!!My Profile

    1. Six Flags is on my list too. I haven’t been in years! I think I have plans to go fright night for Halloween. Should be fun. I don’t think I was interested at 4 in roller coasters. THey were pretty scary to me until my late teens.

  15. How did I miss this? I swear when I came on Friday there was only the blog party! Dang cached phone web browser!!! Better late than never right?? Send me a smoke signal if I am not here on the same day of the post!


    So wow at you covering all those classes. I saw that you mentioned it on fb and was like whoa ok get it!! And y’all wanna talmbout I’m busy smh

    I like that y’all went to the water park and saw scrappy lol at the scrappy talk!!

    You and the girls look fab!

    I’ll miss lahh atl just a little but ill be patient for the original.

    Missed you last Wednesday!
    Nellie recently posted…Getting In the Ring With Triple H & Stephanie McMahon for #MilkWins! (One on One Interview!)My Profile

    1. I ditched the original, might check it out again this season. You are busy lady! I can’t keep up with you!

  16. Hey girl…missed you!! We were in the same boat last week! I’ve been out of commission since Wednesday…I did notice however that I didn’t get your post in my inbox, lol! As far as learning how to pull back…the older I’ve gotten, the easier it is to drop (whatever isn’t working), like a hot potato…without a second thought whatsoever! Lol! 😀 Can’t believe you made your little sister drive…sheesh Joi! Poor Amber, lol!! 😀 Looks like you all had fun! My family and I are planning a BIG KID trip to Disneyworld in a few months. Can’t wait…we are so going to act like kids when we go! Thanks so much for linking up lady…have a lovely week! 🙂
    Michell recently posted…“Michell’s Weekly Pearl”My Profile

    1. Disney will be super! The little one gets motion sickness sitting in the back seat and she complains riding in the front so I figure the best seat for her is driving. I am happy to let her. I despise driving in Atl!!!

  17. That’s some great bucket list completion there! Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t burned out faster! We’ve definitely got some team players at the office, but it’s tough to keep up because you can get taken advantage of in a heartbeat.
    Leslie recently posted…{30 Things} If I Could Only…My Profile

    1. Oh, I was burned last week! We changed the schedule up a bit and with the Labor day holiday coming, I’ll only be teaching BODYPUMP next Monday. The 8 weeks will be challenging but being a team player calls for you to answer the call every now and then. At least this is something I’m passionate about. It would be horrible to be tossed into a load of work that I didn’t believe in or hated doing.

  18. You are amazing! I’m tired just thinking about that schedule!! As far as the team player thing goes, I am a good team player, but because I am one of those people who will always help you out if I can, I’ve been taken advantage of a couple times, and not realized it till after the fact. Too bad not everyone plays by the same rules of what is “team playing” and what isn’t. I’m not changing my ways, but I do try to keep a better eye on who takes advantage and who lends a helping hand right back.
    Michelle recently posted…Ask Away Friday with Dana from Kiss My ListMy Profile

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