
How I QUIT Drinking Dr Pepper

I JUST DID! Cold Turkey! Straight like that!

How I QUIT Drinking Dr Pepper

Yes, that’s me in my beloved Dr Pepper shirt that I picked up a few years back while on a women’s trip with my church group! I was just that serious about my Dr Pepper!

I have been giving little updates about this transition year since I returned to blogging.  The biggest transition being changing from overnight shift to day shift. One of the things I didn’t mention in How to Survive the Overnight Shift Like a Pro, was BY DRINKING DR PEPPER (or caffeinated drink of your choice)!

Drinking Dr Pepper was a bad habit I picked up on the overnight shift that just spiraled out of control. I realized while on day shift, that I was using it as a crutch.

To be honest, I just LOVE me some Dr Pepper! It is SOOOOO GOOD! I ordered it frequently with grenadine for cherry Dr Pepper when I was out (you know cause I can’t handle alcoholic beverages).

I was going into gas stations and taking full advantage of the 2 for $2. To be perfectly honest, because you know I keep it 100 here; I would drink both of them in 1 shift! Now, I’m talking day shift! So what was my excuse!


I am pretty sure the headaches I was getting was from too much caffeine. I also didn’t feel good about putting all of that soda into my body on a daily basis!

When I was on night shift, I would do it the first 3-4 days of the 7 day cycle.  As a day shift pharmacist, I was working 10 out of a 14 day cycle. Something had to be done!

So one Sunday after having 2 Dr Peppers on a weekend shift and feeling miserable, I decided to quit! I haven’t had one since. To my surprise, I’ve stopped even craving them!

Don’t I look happy in this picture?

5 Month Anniversary of No Dr Pepper

This journey is all about baby steps! In 2105, I’ll be taking another dietary step toward better health! Make sure to tune in! Until next time….


Yours in Healthy, Active, & Prosperous Lifestyles,

Rx Fitness Lady wants to know…

  • What’s one accomplishment you are proud of in 2014?
  • What do you need to eliminate from your diet?
  • How have you quit a bad habit?

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Rx Fitness Lady

Greetings, I'm Joi, a Pharmacist with a passion for fitness & a community leader. I am the Creator & Senior Fitness Trainer of "In The Paint" Online Group Training Program. I teach BODYCOMBAT, BODYPUMP, Tabata Boot Camp, & serve as a mentor to young girls. My goal is to inspire people to live healthy, active, & prosperous lifestyles through practical blog posts deliveries. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram. ARE YOU WASTING TIME DIETING... Check out my book "Diets Are Dead Win Small With M.E.D.S., DO YOU WANT TO WORKOUT FROM HOME WITH LIVE ACCOUNTABILITY? Join #InThePaint #OneCommunity! You can view more posts, subscribe to stay tuned to latest updates & Shop all things Rx Fitness Lady at The Shoppes at Rx Fitness Lady.

16 thoughts on “How I QUIT Drinking Dr Pepper

  1. Dr. Pepper though eeewwww*sigh* I am actually doing good with my soda intake. I don’t buy it in the house but I do drink if I go out somewhere. I gotta get rid of this sweet tea addiction its madness.

  2. WooHoo – hooray for quitting!!!
    I used to be a Diet Coke addict – no water ever just soda. I decided years ago that I didn’t like that feeling so I cut down to one a day with tons of water the rest of the day. About 5 years ago I cut out the daily soda – now I will have one every few weeks or so but I usually end up taking a few drinks and pitching it.
    Kim recently posted…Therapy Moves (12/7 – 12/13)My Profile

  3. Happy Five Months, Joi!
    I can’t drink soda (I hate the burny throat feeling) but Dr. Pepper is actually the only one I like. It’s yummy. Once.. in my entire life.. I had a can of Dr. Pepper. Usually I can’t get past two sips.
    I know that must seem insane that I’ve only had one can of Dr. Pepper in my life, but I’ve had other vices.
    Tamara recently posted…Spice Up Your Smartphone Photography with 5 Creative DIY Hacks.My Profile

  4. I need to quit eating lemon and salt almonds. I eat them like normal people eat chips or any other snack. I crave them and spends lots of dirhams on them. They cause me to bloat but I still eat them. I’m going to eating them cold turkey… I’ve been inspired.

  5. Thanks for coming by!

    Good going!! I agree with you that cold turkey (where did that come from anyway?) is the best way to quit most habits.

    I stopped drinking coffee or any other caffeine over a year ago and have never gone back! Once we establish a habit, either good or bad, it sticks. I’m glad we are making good choices 🙂

  6. I am not a Dr. Pepper fan! I drank it sometimes as a kid, but now I can’t stand the taste. LOL Bacon and cheese are my downfalls. The two have been motivating me to exercise more. Congrats on going cold turkey!

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