
A Few Basketball Life Lessons from A Blogger

My collegiate coach from FVSU retired this year.  I missed Coach Bartley’s retirement banquet  a few weekends ago because I was working. While I was up late that night at the pharmacy, I got some text messages from my former roommate/teammate that made my night.…

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Birthday Bucket List Link Up – 33 Before 33

You all seemed to be very grateful for the prompts in 30 Ideas for Blog Posts When Your Mind Draws a Blank & the Accountability partner in Know Your Personnel: The Right Mix of Blog Friends & Real Friends was pretty popular as well.  This…

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Know Your Personnel – The Right Mix of Real Friends & Blog Friends

If you played any sports, then KYP is probably not an unfamiliar term. Know Your Personnel  is a motto that will make or break you in sports, on the job, in general life, & in blogging. Today for My Health Monday, I'm blending some personal/mental…

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