
You’re Invited to a Blog Party Again

That’s right! The 7 Day Mini Blog Challenge Party is back and you have a good bit of notice to prepare this time!

Save The Date - Mini Blog Challenge Party #2 - Rx Fitness Lady

Since I decided to do NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) in November last month, I had to get started planning posts early. I figured I’d give you a few weeks to prepare for these 7 days of posting πŸ™‚ !

I learned a lot with the last MBC Party. I think my top take away was learning to share people’s posts across social media more. Other people had their own takeaways, some shared in the comments.

The goals are the same for the second party! Try to make some friends and do something different on the blog! Here are your prompts (specifically chosen based off past popular post on Rx Fitness Lady)!

You're Invited To A Blog Party Again

If the commercial is alarming you, no worries….Feel free to tell all your confessions as a blogger! However, Nellie did school us on the perfect blog commercial, so all the best!

Thursday, take us back 10 years! I don’t think any of you were blogging 10 years ago, but just say you were…what would you be blogging about?


  • Follow the host, yours truly on bloglovin here.
  • Once the party gets started, be genuine with your follows but if someone comments on your blog with the hashtag #MBC (Mini Blog Challenge), then visit them back and comment.
  • This will be a live link party starting September 16, so don’t forget to come back and link up!

Feel free to grab a button and tell your friends and use it for your post if you like! It’s in the side bar!

Rx Fitness Lady wants to know…

  • Which prompt are you looking most forward to reading or writing on your own blog?
  • Will you come to my party πŸ™‚ ?

***To get started & RSVP, go ahead an link up your bloglovin and meet some people or get reacquainted.***

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Rx Fitness Lady

Greetings, I'm Joi, a Pharmacist with a passion for fitness & a community leader. I am the Creator & Senior Fitness Trainer of "In The Paint" Online Group Training Program. I teach BODYCOMBAT, BODYPUMP, Tabata Boot Camp, & serve as a mentor to young girls. My goal is to inspire people to live healthy, active, & prosperous lifestyles through practical blog posts deliveries. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram. ARE YOU WASTING TIME DIETING... Check out my book "Diets Are Dead Win Small With M.E.D.S., DO YOU WANT TO WORKOUT FROM HOME WITH LIVE ACCOUNTABILITY? Join #InThePaint #OneCommunity! You can view more posts, subscribe to stay tuned to latest updates & Shop all things Rx Fitness Lady at The Shoppes at Rx Fitness Lady.

133 thoughts on “You’re Invited to a Blog Party Again

  1. I’m looking forward to reading them all – not sure if I will do it because the kick-off is my birthday which means the start of my 2nd year (maybe) and 44 miles to get started. I’m currently trying to decide if I want to keep my blog the same or make some changes starting with that week.
    Kim recently posted…Happy Birthday, Chris!!!My Profile

  2. OOOOOhhhhh! I like the topics! Those seem like they are going to be fun. I’m already thinking of what I want to post about. Thanks for the invite. πŸ™‚

  3. Yes, I’ll join your party! I’m probably most looking forward to Throwback Thursday “Ten Years.” Well I’ll be visiting each day – not sure I’ll be able to do them all, but I hope so!
    Tamara recently posted…Compartment Therapy.My Profile

  4. Hi Joi! Great Monday Morning to you! πŸ™‚ Of course I”ll be attending your parrrr-tayyy!! I’m looking forward to Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You already know which one I’m NOT looking forward to, lol!! Have a good one Joi! Btw…could you let Tamara know that her link to Bloglovin’ is broken, thanks! πŸ™‚
    Michell recently posted…“Michell’s Weekly Pearl”My Profile

    1. Hi Michell, I’m glad you’ll be joining in!!! I know you will throw some wisdom up in there. I visited Tamara’s link and it was fine. Not sure what happened. I know she switched to self hosted this week so maybe you clicked it in a transitional time. Thanks for the info!

  5. Your timing is awesome for this blog party. The kids start school again this week so my schedule with return to a more structured chaos as opposed to the summer mayhem. I’m hoping this blog challenge will help kick start my return to my regular blogging schedule. After reading your Day in the life…that’s the one I’m most looking forward to πŸ™‚
    Hope recently posted…Back to School with the Y (and Impromptu dance)My Profile

    1. Lol, well I am curious too as to what all of you were up to 10 years ago! I am looking forward to your regular schedule too, I bet the break has been refreshing though!

    1. I’ve been looking out for your email Carla! Did I miss it? I am having trouble remembering Carla, you do want to be called Carla going forward right?

      1. You can still call me Carli! That is fine. It’s just that a work and such I go by Carla and kind of just decided to drop it all together. Although I kind of want to get out my hs lettermans jacket and take a pic of it in all its Carli glory. πŸ™‚

        I already decided on a different topic that isn’t quite as radical as what I had in mind. Although if you want to know what the old topic was, I’ll email it to you. It’s kinda-sorta related to your educational background.
        Carla recently posted…Real Into Reads No. 24My Profile

  6. Girl I thought it started this week I was like welp won’t make this one but since its not until September I can put this on my calendar early to link up. Looking forward to participating and reading new blogs. …….on a side note you know I am not doing no commercial but I will see what else I can come up with *side eye*
    Kita recently posted…Convo between the kidsMy Profile

    1. YAY Kita! I gave an option because I figured that commercial would frighten a few (including me)! Feel free to do a blogger’s confessions post with the other bloggers taking that option!

    1. Hi Dana! Thanks for joining in! It is a lot of fun and builds closer relationships! I am looking forward to reading your post. Feel free to take the option of a blogger’s confessions post. That would be interesting from a new blogger perspective.

  7. Very exciting stuff…although I’m not sure I’m up for it since I’ll be traveling. I’m not counting myself out yet but have to see how much I can get done so thanks for all the notice!! I definitely want to post about “what my family thinks of my blog” b/c it’s pretty interesting:-)
    Allie recently posted…A NIGHT IN BOSTON WITH JAY-Z & JT!My Profile

    1. LOL, I bet those posts are going to be all over the place! I can’t wait to read those! Thanks Allie!

  8. Party time! I don’t plan on publishing any posts from my phone this go ’round! I think I may be looking forward to the Humorous or Controversial Party Day. Let me just bring my armor for the comments that may appear. Consider this my RSVP.
    Andrea recently posted…Ratchet Be Gone!My Profile

  9. Yay, another fun party! This time I’m going to make sure I get everything done in advance, so I can fully participate. After seeing everything you and Nellie did, I’m actually really looking forward to making my blog commercial. But I’m also a bit apprehensive about writing a post on controversial info…that’s just not my style…so we’ll see what happens.
    Leslie recently posted…Four Years OldMy Profile

    1. I understand Leslie! Mine is controversial but related to the blog! Feel free to skip it if you like! I’m so glad you are partying again!

    1. Awesome Leah! I hope this will be your first! We had a lot of fun last time and built some stronger blog relationships!

  10. I’m soooo in…. not sure about the comercial but I will be participating no less then 5 of the seven days and I will be reading and commenting…. I’m pretty sure the controversial post is what I’m looking forward to most.

    1. Cool Toya! I know we are getting down to the wire with the wedding plans! I’m happy to have you whenever! You can also sub the blog commercial for a blogger’s confessions post if you like dear!

    1. Hey Kalley, you can sub the confessions post! I am sure as long as you’ve been blogging you have a good list of confessions to share πŸ™‚ Thanks for your participation!

  11. Well, well, well. I’m hosting a blog challenge for September too. However, it’s for the EVEN days of the month starting on September 2nd. So…I must be crazy but I am going to participate in yours too while I also publish my e-book. I’m also doing NaBloPoMo in November. Did I say I must be crazy? Yeah. I’ll probably be linking up some old posts for your challenge just to keep up. I’m looking forward to doing the commercial. You have my support, girl.
    Kimberly H. Smith recently posted…Interview With The Incredible Hulk’s #1 FanMy Profile

    1. WOW, September will be a busy month for you Kim! I am looking forward to some of those topics dear. THe prompts are right on time! You are a beast at tackling challenges. It’s the writer in you. You were doing double duty last time… SALUTE!

    1. It is up to you. You can do all 7 days and we’d love to have you or choose whatever you like. I think this was clarified on twitter the other day though πŸ™‚ Welcome!!!

    1. Sure, you can do more than 1 day! That’s why it’s a challenge… a mini realistic one might I add πŸ™‚ Hope to see you back Sheri!

    1. Yes dear, you’ve been scarce! I thought it was mostly due to wedding planning but sounds like you have a lot going on. Well you know, whatever you can do, I’m happy to have you Sherelle!

    1. You’re moving Gillan! How exciting! I hope you will post about it, I know that isn’t the focus but sounds interesting.

    1. Ha, good luck brainstorming! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. Thanks for participating.

    1. Oh my, for some reason I thought you had just started blogging! Well, do you care to share an old actual post? πŸ™‚

  12. I missed the first one, but I’m so glad you’re hosting a second challenge. I’ve been wanting to play around with vlogging, so I’m looking forward to the blog commercial (hopefully I’ll get past the way my recorded voice sounds, hahaha).
    LydiaF recently posted…Get Inspired Weekend Blog Hop #4My Profile

    1. Hi Kennie! So glad to have you! The controversial day is going to be so much fun! We won’t go anywhere, I promise!!! Thanks for joining in!


    1. Hey Holly! THanks so much! I’m glad this provided some motivation. I will be sure to follow you and looking forward to getting to know you dear!


  13. Hey Joi!

    I’m really excited and looking forward to linking my new blog at your party. I missed the last one, but I’m going to be ready for this. I think I’m looking forward to the controversial post, because a little controversy never hurt anyone. Thanks for hosting!
    Carica recently posted…Truth be told FridayMy Profile

  14. This is great! I’m loving reading all of the blogger confessions so far! I don’t know that I am going to be able to participate this week (BOO TO ME!!) but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of the blog commercial- yours is awesome by the way- so I am definitely going to work on a blog commercial to add to my blog permanently! Thanks for the inspiration! πŸ˜‰
    Tracie recently posted…Paying it ForwardMy Profile

    1. Hey Tracie! I saw you commenting on post! Thanks for participating in that regard. Maybe next time you can join the fun πŸ™‚ Thanks for visiting!


  15. Love this challenge! I’m kinda upset that I just found out about 10pm EST today. I’m looking forward to everyday of the challenge because it’s going to force me to spend time on my personal blog and not writing for everyone else. I’ve already read some really good confessions on BeQuoted’s blog. I have an half hour to get something together. Looking forward to seeing what you all share.
    Shy recently posted…Almost ThereMy Profile

    1. Thanks for coming by Shy! I hope you enjoyed the rest of the challenge and will consider jumping in next time. Thanks for visiting.


  16. How in the world did I miss all this? Sigh…I can’t wait to read all the great posts from this series! I’ll get with the program for the next blog party…LOL…these are some great topics, Joi! I may be tardy to the partay for some of them within the next week or so just to push myself.
    Michelle G. recently posted…Uncommon Goods: Better to GiveMy Profile

  17. While I am not directly participating, I am enjoying reading all of the participants post. Kita, Britton and Sherelle’s posts are sticking out in my mind right now as some of the best. Their stories are so vivid and engaging!
    Karen recently posted…Goal ReevaluationMy Profile

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